martes, 16 de febrero de 2021

Sinful Cenicienta, Sneaky Snow White y Rotten Rapunzel de Anita Valle

Estaba buscando un libro de princesas por Amazon y casi por casualidad he dado con los libros de Anita Valle. Una autora para mi desconocida que publica libros en inglés.

Estos tres libros de Cenicienta, Blancanieves y Rapunzel, encadenados entre ellos, han llamado mi atención poderosamente. Si estuvieran en español, sin duda estaría deseando leerlos. Pero he probado en inglés y se me escapa de las manos. 

Si vosotros leéis en inglés y estáis interesados aquí los dejo. 

Estos son los 3 libros:

  • A 1st Place Inkitt Novel Contest Winner for January 2018
  • Selected as Feminist Book of the Month by F-BOM Book Club for Sep/Oct 2019

I'm not who they think I am. A docile girl who meekly obeys her stepmother and stepsisters. Some kind of sick angel who cheerfully bears their mistreatment. That's what I WANT them to think. Because then they won't suspect what I'm really up to.

The ball, the prince - it's all part of my plan to come out on top. Stepmother and her demented daughters will pay for every floor I have scoured, every sneer I have borne. They don't know about the white magic, how I use it to enhance myself. They can't see that my heart is black as midnight, rotten as a poisoned apple.

They're about to find out.

* * * * * * * * *

The darkest retelling of Cinderella you'll ever read. Experience a twisted and shocking fairy tale retelling, loved by teens and adults. If you're a fan of Jovee Winters, Marissa Meyer, and Victoria Aveyard, then Sinful Cinderella is perfect for you.

***No erotica. No sex scenes. A few references.***

What readers say about Sinful Cinderella

  • "YA fantasy lovers don't miss this captivating novel about Cinderella!"
  • "Nothing can prepare you for the twists this rendition propels you into."
  • "The revenge motive was intriguing!"
  • "It was so well written you would think this was the real Cinderella story."
  • "I read the whole thing in one morning!"
  • "A dark twist on the classic Cinderella tale."
  • "Wait till you get to Chapter 17 - no one ever sees that coming."
  • "It started out great and only got better. And the ending is a killer!!!"
  • "I loved knowing the dark side of Cinderella and her past."
  • "This is the best Cinderella rewrite I have ever read!"
  • * * * * * * * * *

    Other books by Anita Valle

    • SNEAKY SNOW WHITE: Dark Fairy Tale Queen Series - Book 2
    • ROTTEN RAPUNZEL: Dark Fairy Tale Queen Series - Book 3
    • MAELYN: The Nine Princesses Book 1
    • CORALINA: The Nine Princesses Book 2
    • HEIDEL: The Nine Princesses Book 3
    • BRIETTE: The Nine Princesses Book 4
    • MONSTER MANOR (A novel for kids)

Cinderella killed my father.

She thinks she can do anything because she’s the Evil Queen. And my stepmother. The only thing she truly loves is her Demon Mirror. But the more she gazes into that thing, the crazier she becomes.

But I am no longer a child. I won’t allow the Evil Queen to poison my heart and my home. Although my skin is white as snow, my soul is far from pure. I will make Cinderella suffer for her sins.

Sure as my name is Snow White.

I have been in this tower for fifteen years. Snow White has frozen me inside it
and covered the rest of our kingdom with ice and snow. I can't remember what
summer is like. And I have never seen people or had a friend.

It's not fair. I'm a princess, the daughter of Cinderella. This kingdom belongs to ME. Not to the nasty new queen who's taken over. Snowy ruined my life, she
doesn't care about me. She only keeps me because I cry magic tears.

I have to escape. Have to take back the palace before my lost twin gets it. Have to punish Snowy for wrecking the kingdom. Have to make at least ONE stupid
friend. And I really have to do something about my hair.

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